NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Winter Season
Oct – May
Summer Season
Jun – Sep
Customer Charge (Per month):$20.00$20.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
First 800 kWh per month$0.094$0.094
Next 1,200 kWh per month$0.090$0.115
All remaining non-electric heat kWh per month$0.085$0.120
All remaining electric heat kWh per month$0.075$0.120
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Winter Season
Nov- Apr
Summer Season
May- Oct
Customer Charge (Per month):$20.00$20.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
On-Peak (9:00 AM – 8:59 PM)$0.1414
Off-Peak (9:00 PM – 8:59 AM)$0.0556
On-Peak (1:00 PM – 8:59 PM)$0.1414
Off-Peak (9:00 PM – 12:59 PM)$0.0556
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Winter Season
Oct – May
Summer Season
Jun – Sep
Customer Charge (Per month):
Single Phase (Per meter)$20.00$20.00
Three Phase (Per meter)$30.00$30.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
First 2,000 kWh per month$0.104$0.104
All remaining kWh per month$0.105$0.115
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Winter Season
Oct – May
Summer Season
Jun – Sep
Customer Charge (Per month):
Single Phase (Per meter)$14.00$14.00
Three Phase (Per meter)$20.00$20.00
Demand Charge (Per kWh):
All kW of Billing Demand$12.50$15.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
All kWh per month$0.0600$0.0650
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Winter Season
Oct – May
Summer Season
Jun – Sep
Demand Charge (Per kWh):
All kW of Billing Demand$12.50$15.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
First 430 kWh/kW of Billing Demand per month$0.065$0.065
All additional kWh per month$0.055$0.055
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Winter Season
Oct – May
Summer Season
Jun – Sep
Demand Charge (Per kW):
All kW of Billing Demand$14.00$18.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
First 430 kWh/kW of Billing Demand per month$0.0575$0.0575
All additional kWh per month$0.0475$0.0475
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Customer Charge (Per month):$30.00
Demand Charge (Per kWh):
All kW of Billing Demand$2.00
Energy Charge (Per kWh):
All kWh per month$0.0650
NET MONTHLY RATE (Excluding 10% City PILOT):
Rate per Month$7.00$11.00
  1. Service not covered by the referenced rates will be individually negotiated by special rate contracts.
  2. Schedules RS, C, SGS, LGS, ISR, and INT are applicable to all of the electric service supplied at one location and measured through one meter.
  3. Schedules RS, C, SGS, LGS, ISR, and INT are not applicable to temporary, breakdown, standby, or supplementary service.
  4. At such time as implementation of the ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT is warranted, the method of determining and the amount of such ENERGY COST ADJUSTMENT must be approved by the Board of Public Works.
  5. All charges are subject to the City Electric Revenue Payment. The rate shall be approved by the Board of Public Works.
  6. All schedules are NET DISCOUNT RATES, due and payable as stated on bills. All bills not paid by then become delinquent and are subject to the gross rate which is 5 percent higher.
  7. All Municipal Utilities SERVICES WILL BE DISCONTINUED if the bill remains unpaid. Unauthorized connections or tampering with Utilities services are in violation of City Ordinance Sec. 29-6 and penalties of fine and imprisonment are provided in the Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 569.080.
  8. SERVICES TERMINATED at the meter for non-payment will be restored during working hours only on payment of the past due account plus a service charge of $20.00. Payments for reconnection of services received after 3:00 p.m. will require a $70.00 service charge as they are considered as after-business-hours. No reconnections shall be made between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The reconnection of a service that was disconnected at the weatherhead/pole will be assessed an additional $50 during business hours or $100 outside normal business hours.
  9. TURN ON and TURN OFFS requested after 3:00 p.m. (or on weekends), not of an emergency nature, shall be subject to a $70.00 service charge payable during that business day or on the next business day if requested after normal business hours.
  10. SERVICE for a temporary or transient period may be available to single phase or existing services at all points in the area served by Marshall Municipal Utilities where facilities are available to the premises to be served. This service is applicable for residential, commercial, or service for construction purposes, fairs, carnivals, circuses, or other purposes of a temporary or transient nature in which the customer’s account does not result from (a) a transfer from an existing account or (b) in a transfer to an account being started at the same location for services with a duration of less than (90) ninety days. The customer shall pay the $30.00 estimated cost to connect and/or disconnect the temporary service. Such charge shall be in addition to the rate schedule used by the customer.
  11. The weatherhead shall be considered the POINT OF DELIVERY. Municipal Utilities will furnish the meter and the meter back only.
  12. Three phase is available in some locations for MOTORS 7.5 horsepower and over. Twenty horsepower or larger motors will have capacitors or step starters on them. Single phase may not be available for motors larger than 7.5 horsepower.
  13. For INFORMATION regarding capacity, availability and special services, please contact the Field Services Director. It shall be the responsibility of the owner or his representative to arrange electric service well in advance of construction time.
  14. A separate meter shall be used for each point of service. Electric meter consumption of demand and energy will be added for customers for meters under the Large General and Industrial rates at the customer’s (or his agent’s) request. Such a request shall be binding for a minimum period of one fiscal year.
  15. There shall be a $15.00 charge for each occurrence where, upon customer request, Marshall Municipal Utilities downloads meter readings from the meter (where metering equipment with this capability is in place).
  16. CUSTOMER FEE is a set per service fee for accounts being opened as a new customer or an account being transferred to a different customer. A customer closing an account would not be affected.

    • FISCAL YEAR shall mean a period of 12 consecutive months.
    • MEASURED DEMAND shall be the average kW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum kWh use during a billing month as determined from meter readings.
    • The term SUMMER SEASON shall mean the four consecutive billings in months not included in the winter season, usually beginning with the first regualar meter reading date on or after June 1.
    • The term WINTER SEASON shall mean the eight consecutive billings in months beginning with the first regular meter reading date on or after October 1.

Approved on April 28, 2016
Effective on billing after June 1, 2016